· By Peggy Oliva

    Members of the Philadelphia Project are creating a Story Archive of Philly expats and residents through interviews that will be accessed via podcasts sometime this year. The Philadelphia Project was formed about two years ago by Aloma Marquis and Byron Johns, creator of a collective called, "A Place to Be." The interviews allow guests to explore and express their relationships and feelings towards Philadelphia in all their forms, effects and visions for its people.  The Philadelphia Project is a repository of stories that will trustingly help generate partnerships among fellow Philadelphians, both current residents and expats who share a love for the City....


    · By Peggy Oliva

    Facilitators Eli Anderson, Marleen Joseph and  Clifton McDonald "View Testimonials Below."  Understanding Eldership is an international, contemporary dialogue for participants 50-years +, designed to foster an understanding of what it is to be an Elder.  In this workshop, you will self-reflect and inquire within an empathetic and culturally nurturing conversation. Your exploration will include the art of storytelling and cherishing your heritage as you discover how we understand our story as Elders.  The purpose of the dialogue is to create a safe space where stories, experiences and reflection can flow in a caring, respectful, and honoring way, and incorporates the practices of focusing on being in silence, bodywork, and meditation....


    · By Peggy Oliva

    Aging with purpose, vitality, connection, and grace. Aging is inevitable.  Being “old” is optional?  How are you livin’? The possibilities of aging today: Although there has not been an announcement, the future has come and aging no longer has to be inside of the paradigm of youthful or “over the hill.”  New discoveries, technologies and lifestyle practices can enhance the quality of life such that being vital, able, and fulfilled is an option. This workshop is an exploration of the choices that will determine how we will live the rest of your life.